Francesca Arcuri, the 295th person I’ve met on my quest to have lunch with 500 strangers, helps others crack the code about human behaviour.

Francesca, who owns a consultancy called Crescendo Coaching, is a coach and trainer who guides people to become better leaders.

On one level, we know that all of us are unique. Yet it’s amazing how many businesses and leaders take a one-size-fits-all approach to communicating with and motivating their people – and then fail to understand why this approach isn’t universally successful.

Francesca helps her clients discover their blind spots and learn the different buttons one needs to push with different people.

A key part of becoming a better leader is being willing to change. This is something in which Francesca has lived experience. After a long corporate career – mainly in HR and recruitment – she made the bold decision to launch a business two years ago, despite being closer to the end than the beginning of her career.

Francesca felt she’d achieved all she could in the corporate world, and not only wanted a new experience but also wanted to dive deep into her passion for helping others improve their performance.