Kerrie Phipps, the 180th person I’ve met on my quest to have lunch with 500 strangers, is the perfect example of the heights you can reach when you step out of your comfort zone.

Kerrie has published four books, including DO Talk to Strangers, and is about to release a fifth – How to Talk to Strangers. She’s also a leadership coach, a keynote speaker and a podcast host.

So you’d be forgiven for thinking Kerris has always oozed confidence – but that’s not the case.

Kerrie left school early after some difficult times in her teenage years. Once she was in the workforce, she held a series of jobs, without quite knowing what she wanted from life.

Eventually, Kerrie realised she was passionate about helping others. And as she progressed along her coaching journey, she realised one thing was at the heart of all the problems she helped people solve – confidence.

Kerrie still has moments of self-doubt. But now she has the experience to ignore those voices; to step forward and lead regardless. As a result, she inspires clients and audiences around the world.

Kerrie is living proof of George Addair’s quote: “Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.”