Lily Vu, the 354th person I’ve met on my quest to have lunch with 500 strangers, wants to build her confidence, expand her network and improve her communication skills.

So she’s decided to start meeting strangers. 

I was the first, but I won’t be the last.

Part of the reason for Lily’s bold step is that she’s recently made a big career move, shifting from property management to real estate sales. She feels that self-improvement and career success go hand in hand.

Lily grew up in poverty in Vietnam, before attending university and working in the pharmaceutical industry. After excelling at work, her company sent her to Sydney to study, which is how she ended up in Australia.

I really enjoyed my lunch with Lily. She’s smart, kind and a good conversationalist. And although I may be biased, I love the fact she’s planning to meet more strangers.