Sanjeev Sah, the 116th person I’ve met on my quest to have lunch with 500 strangers, was on a train one day … when his life changed forever.

A stranger approached Sanjeev. After some small talk, he invited Sanjeev to attend a seminar. Sanjeev accepted. 

The seminar turned out to be an Amway promo. Sanjeev signed up. A year later, he left Amway, after deciding the organisation wasn’t for him. But a spark had been lit. For the first time in his life, Sanjeev was surrounded by people who were focused on personal development, a growth mindset and building a passive income.

He was hooked.

Until then, Sanjeev wouldn’t have spent even $10 on a book. But in the years ahead, he spent more than $100,000 on self-education.

That inspired Sanjeev to build an impressive property portfolio – and then, last year, leave a well-paying IT job to open a buyer’s agent business, Investors Dream. Now, Sanjeev helps others build a passive income.

Sanjeev is great company: he’s kind, quick to laugh and relentlessly optimistic.

Sanjeev has big plans to expand his business and keep growing as a person. I know he’ll succeed … because of the spark lit years earlier by the stranger on the train.