Earlier this year, I read a profound quote from Michael Port: “Many business problems are simply personal problems in disguise.”

This is something Shilpa Kulshrestha sees regularly in her work as a life and career coach.

Shilpa, the 41st person I’ve met on my quest to have lunch with 500 strangers, says the reason people don’t reach their full potential at work is often because of things that happen outside the office.

It might be your health, it might be your relationships – whatever it is, negative events in your personal life can negatively affect the mindset you bring to your professional life.

I can vouch for the quality of Shilpa’s coaching – she snuck some in while we were eating our pizzas.

Shilpa and her husband, Kapil Kulshreshtha, moved from India to Sydney 12 years ago. Initially, they pursued separate careers, but these days they work together in their coaching business, Scintillate.

Earlier this year, they co-wrote Play It Full: 7 Steps To Unlock Your Extraordinary Career, which has since become an Amazon bestseller.

Shilpa was kind enough to give me an autographed copy. I’m looking forward to reading it over the holidays.